The ABA Station Intern Program

The Arkansas Broadcasters Association is proud to partner with our member stations to provide a stipend for qualified interns at their stations. Check out our curriculum and guidelines below for more detailed information. The process is designed to work as follows:

1 – A member station and student agree on an internship following the guidelines as specified.

2 – The station and student complete the “internship contract” and return the signed application and contract to the ABA office for approval.

3- After the completion of the program as outlined, the station submits the completion form and the ABA will issue a check to the intern.

Getting started is as easy as downloading and filling out both our Application and Contract below! These forms should be printed, completed and emailed or snail-mailed to the ABA offices. It’s important to note that they require signatures. No internships will be approved by the ABA without the required signatures. The internship should commence only upon ABA approval or payment will not be authorized.  Once the internship program has been completed, fill out and submit the Completion Confirmation below, and payment will be sent.

Member stations can apply for one internship per cluster per semester, defined as Spring or Fall. No student will be approved for more than one internship.


I was very grateful to earn the ABA Internship with KVMN. I listed the internship on my college application and will get to work at my college radio station during my freshman year!”

Shelby B. – Intern at KVMN

I love the internship! I have learned a lot more about programming and how the radio station works. I wish I could do it again!

Jackson H. – Intern at KLLN

I’m very excited about working my ABA Internship this summer with KVMN!  This is another step toward my life as a broadcaster!”

Erica C. – Intern at KVMN

I wasn’t sure what to expect with the internship, but I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I didn’t know all the scheduling and programming involved in keeping our radio station on the air.”

Sebastian S. – Intern at KLLN

The Cedar Ridge radio program has made me love radio, and this is the next step.”

Jeffrey H. – Intern at KLLN

internship guidelines:

Internship applicants must be at least 16 years of age and enrolled in high school or college.  Interns must be available for training and work evenings and weekends for ten hours per week.  Before an applicant is accepted for the internship program, an interview may be required.

The ABA Internship Program places a heavy emphasis on programming and sales.

In the programming phase, interns will learn and develop skills associated with board operation, music rotation, keeping logs, and handling phones.  In the sales training section, interns will be briefed on philosophies and practices regarding client relations.  Preparation of sales proposals, telemarketing, and making a call with a station salesperson will be part of the curriculum.

Production, traffic and news reporting will be included in the eight week course.

*The ABA offers one internship per student.  A student can only receive payment for one internship, even if they complete internships at multiple stations.  Each broadcast cluster is eligible for one intern per semester (two per year total.)

Interns will be paid $595 for a maximum of 54 hours over eight to ten weeks.  Interns may or may not be offered paid positions at the completion of their training.  A staff member will review the intern’s performance and make recommendations concerning employment opportunities, further education, etc.  All interns completing the eight week program will be presented with a certificate and a letter of reference.

The internship should be viewed as an introduction to broadcasting, with specific emphasis on training to work at this station.  An intern’s application should not be interpreted as an offer of employment by this station or any other broadcast outlet, or as a guarantee of acceptance into the internship program.  Paid internships are granted by the Arkansas Broadcasters Association through this member station on a space-available basis. 


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