About Us
The Arkansas Broadcasters Association exists to promote and protect a favorable economic and regulatory climate for broadcasting, and to educate members and the public about the opportunities available through the efforts of free, over-the-air broadcast operations. Most member services are funded by stations’ participation in the NCSA program, in which non-profit and governmental agencies partner with the ABA to extend the reach of on-air public education messages.


Chad Whiteaker

Greg Horne
Immediate Past President

Kristen Speer
Vice President

Marty Schack
Secretary / Treasurer
District Directors
Disctrict One

Scott Siler

Hatton Weeks
Disctrict Two

Ali King-Sugg

Keli Williams
Disctrict Three

Bruce Barkley

Tommy Craft
Disctrict Four

Jay Bunyard

Richard Nickols
Associate Member Representative

Lisa Lake
Our Staff

Neal Gladner
Executive Director

Leigh Ann Brannon
Membership Manager