Political Rate Periods

Important 2022 Election Dates:

Primary Election Date: Tuesday, May 24

General Election Date: Tuesday, November 8

– LUC Window Opens: 45 days prior to Primary Election and 60 days prior to General Election*

*Day 45/60 is the day before election day

Stations have the choice of running or not running political spots on election day…BUT if spots are aired on election day the political rate applies.

Stations are reminded to have a Political Disclosure Statement on file that explains the station’s policies regarding political advertisements, such as election day inventory.

Arkansas Political Rate Windows

Primary (this dates includes Election Day): April 9, 2022

General (this date includes Election Day): September 9, 2022

ABA Members have access to the Political Broadcasting Guide from Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP within the Member Portal. Members can log in here and download it immediately from the Political resources folder!

ABA Members, is one of your on-air employees running for office? We’ve got everything the attorneys say you need to know. Log into the Member Portal today and check out David Oxenford’s article link also in the Political resources folder.

© 2024 Arkansas Broadcasters Association.